Monday, June 27, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 10 & 11

Day 10
Third day at home. Nothing happened.  Just woke up, ate breakfast, ate lunch, and played fire emblem.

While driving home, was minutes behind an accident.  Good thing I saw those digital traffic signs that said ACCIDENT AHEAD. LEFT LANES BLOCKED.  I stayed on the right side and zoomed pass the traffic.  The accident involved maybe 6 cars.  A bus was stuck behind them needing to exit at that exit.  GG bus driver and passengers.

Day 11
It started slow, but picked up bad.  It was nonstop.  I realized one of my team members was out today and that caused me to get more calls than usual.  Besides that handled some tough cases, but otherwise okay.  I forgot to take a picture of my lunch, but it just consisted of the rest of the banquet dinner leftovers and some of my broccoli seitan mix with rice and a banana as a side snack.

I went to the gym after work.  I forgot how to get there from my work, but good thing I had the GPS.  I felt a little sore, but not as bad as the first day back at the gym.  

I got home feeling tired then got more house business talk to go over with my mom.  Answered texts from prospective tenants and talked to my parents more about business stuff.


Avocado and Salad

Dinner was some stir fried egg with chashu my dad made with some leftover duck from the banquet over rice.  I only had about a quarter cup of rice with my protein.  I was originally going to make a shake, but I didn't.  I felt too full and wanted to work on the salad I bought.  Some of the salad was starting to brown, so time to eat lots of salad the next couple days.  I added avocado today because my avocado was also going bad.  First world problem of parents giving you too much food so the food you bought begins to go to waste...


Cut up some apricots for fruit that I bought like a week ago.  Tastes pretty good, just ignore that I was too lazy to wash my bowl first.

Started to watch Knights of Sidonia on Netflix with my dinner.  Pretty interesting show.

GIANT SPIDER IN ROOM.  I am not going to sleep well tonight.  I lost it.  I was going to vacuum it, but it crawled up and into a gap somewhere on the frame around the closet doors.

Showered and finally able to play Fire Emblem.

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