Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 29

Only 2 more days then I will be reunited with kitty.

For some reason, I felt super tired today.  I'm not sure if I was getting sick or was it due to low amount of sleep, but I felt really tired.  I felt much better after my lunch break though.

I didn't take a picture of my lunch, but it looks exactly like what I have for dinner because it is the same.

I felt really gassy and tired, so decided to forgo the gym today to recover a bit.  For dinner:

I added an egg as a bonus.  Last day of me eating this and will have to revert to non-lazy food for the kitty poo soon.

I'll try to sleep early on time today, but no promises.  I want to play some ffxiii before I sleep.  I didn't manage to beat it like I had hoped before kitty poo came back.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Duck Solo Day 27

I think I ate too much for dinner or something last night.  When I woke up this morning, my gut didn't feel that great.  Work was very busy for some reason today.  I'm thinking its just overflow from unfinished orders from last night.  I forgot to take a picture of my lunch, but it was just the rest of my lamb and noodles and broccoli.  After work, I went to the gym for about an hour, but didn't feel too good.  I had a bit of heart burn that just wouldn't go away after lunch.  I think I should bring some antacids to work tomorrow just in case.

After gym, I hit up Buffalo Wild Wings for a big order of wings:  Yum!

Terriyaki, Asian Zing, Chipotle BBQ, and Carrots/Celery

Finished Aldnaoh Zero and caugh up on Food Wars for the night.  Aldnaoh had a decent ending that I felt was a bit predictable.  It didn't really explain all the nitty gritty details about how society is at the end or just who the ancient Martian aliens were and where did they go.

Gotta wake up early tomorrow morning, so I will try to sleep early tonight.  I haven't played FFXIII in like over a week now.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 26

So tired after our Tahoe and Reno adventure, but I still had work in the morning.  I got home late at around 11:30 pm.  I did not look forward to work at 8 AM.  I ended up not sleeping until around midnight after checking my email.

Today was very mild.  Not too busy.  Feels really weird to be so calm on a Monday, but I didn't care too much. I went to the gym after, but did not do any cardio.  My legs were still super sore.  I did my usual machine exercises and went to costco afterwards.  I got gas and some groceries for the week.

Costco Lamb

Frozen Veggies

Egg on top


My masterpiece of egg, paratha, broccoli, and Costco Lamb.  I'm trying to beef up my calorie intake to try to increase muscle gain and weight gain.  I also ate some clementines after.  I feel so full right now.

Ducky Solo Day 24, 25

So my friends and I decided to take a weekend trip to Tahoe for hiking, gambling, and more gambling.

McGriddle and Hash Browns
No trip is complete unless you begin it with some McDonald's breakfast.  We took a stop off in Davis to eat breakfast.  I couldn't decide whether to get the McGriddle or the Big Breakfast, but decided on the McGriddle with side orders of 2 hash browns.  Just as good as I remember it to be.

After a long, long drive of 4 hours, we finally make it to our destination at South Lake Tahoe.  The view was great, but man was it crowded. Had to drive down the road and park in the dirt along the highway much like John Muir Park.

Of course, after a long drive, I have to use the restroom to relieve myself before our long hike.


Look at all the Goodies!

Reminded me a lot of the toilet on top of Mt. Haleakala.  There was no sink or soap to wash my hands either.


View of Eagle Lake?

We set out on our hike to reach Maggie's Peak.  The ranger made it sound like it was not that difficult of a hike.  We assumed it would be a simple 3 miles there and 3 miles back.  Boy were we wrong.  First, to get to the peak, we had to go off road and climb some large boulders to get to the top.  It was exciting but very tiring.  After we found the peak, we decided to continue on the trail, which supposedly connects and loops to another parking lot near where we started.  The entire journey took us nearly 6 hours to complete.  It took that long mainly because of stragglers in our group and we were all pretty exhausted.  What was supposed to be a 6 mile hike ended up being a 8-9 mile hike.  By the time we got down, the sun was beginning to set.  We were all super tired after this.


Snack Time

I should have brought more water, but I made do with what I had.  My friend gave me his extra protein bar.  It actually tasted pretty good like chocolate mint.

Horrible Sushi Buffet
Our original plan was to go to Sushi Pier.  I went there in the past and remembered it being pretty decent.  However, when we called, they stated the wait time for 6 people could be 30-45 minutes.  This would leave us with only 30 minutes to eat before Last Call and closing of the kitchen.  We saw a sushi buffet a long the way and decided to stop there.  Yelp gave it about a 4 star and people made comments that the food was good.  I wish we had gone with our secondary plan to eat some steak.  First, the food came out so slow.  They gave us an order sheet like at dim sum places.  We picked our rolls and nigiri and handed it to the waitress.  Stuff came out very slowly.  One of our dishes didn't even come out until 30 minutes after we submitted our ticket.  Then we filled out a second ticket and just sat there waiting.  Nothing came out and the waitress asked us if we were done or still waiting.  We told her we were still waiting.  She went to check on what was left.  One of our last stragglers from the original ticket came out.  Then we just sat there waiting for our second set of order.  She came back to ask us if we were still waiting.  We said yes.  She went to check and the sushi chefs said our ticket was done.  We informed them that we had a second ticket and we handed it to the waitress earlier.  She apologizes and asks us to fill out another ticket and they will make everything ASAP.  At this point, I was very tired of this.  We were in the restaurant for nearly 1.5 hours most of the time was spent doing nothing.  They were very apologetic and gave us a free order of grilled hamachi kama and unagi sashimi.  This made us feel a bit better, but we still weren't completely happy.  When we were paying the bill, we found out that another big party left without paying the 15% gratuity because of some messed up orders or slow service too.  We paid our gratuity and ended up feeling kind of bad for them.  They did make a conscious effort to appease us after all.

Aside from the service, the food was subpar.  I went in not expecting much, but this was way worst.  Never have I seen in a sushi restaurant where over 70% of the rolls and nigiri had some kind of spicy sauce or spicy crab or spicy tuna.  I assume it was to cover up the fishy taste of not fresh fish.  The rolls were all super tiny.  I can't believe they would charge $12.00 for some of these tiny rolls.  I guess I can't expect much for a sushi restaurant in Reno,NV.  However, would I come here again? Answer is No.  I would rather eat steak.

After that fiasco, we went bowling at the Grand Sierra.  It was fun cosmic bowling, but so expensive.

Finally got to our hotel and checked in at like 11 pm.  My gambling friend went straight to the tables.  I watched them play for several hours and then went to bed.  I didn't really feel like gambling at all this trip.

The next morning, my friend told us he got a net gain of $975 at the blackjack tables last night.  He got a comped food credit added to his card and we used it at the Americana Cafe in Circus Circus.  Very mediocre crappy food that was not even worth taking a picture of.  Some of the food was obviously microwaved or burnt.  Owell, can't expect much.

We then went to South Lake Tahoe again and rented a speed boat.
Oh Captain, My Captain

We took turns driving the speed boat.  It was very fun, but scary at the same time.  Going 40 mph in choppy wavy waters was like a roller coaster.  I felt like I could have been thrown off at any second.  My friends were obsessed with gunning it and making the boat jump waves.  At one point, we were going so fast that a rubber wrapping on the side of the boat came loose and hit me in the face.  Good thing it was a flimsy piece or it would have hurt bad.  Scary, but fun overall.  We only rented the boat for an hour, but ended up using 10 gallons of gas.  I guess these speed boats are not very efficient in gas usage.

Overall, trip was fun and would do again.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 23

After the heartburn fiasco of yesterday, I was going to just eat some nutrigrains in the morning.  I ended up just eating some potstickers and rest of the ha gaos in the freezer.

Potstickers & Ha Gao

Went to the gym and did my usual benching and worked on my abs I bit. I tried to run, but got a bit heart burny again.  Work was ok. All caught up so at times it felt a bit slow.  I say better slow than frantically busy though. Lunch came around and this is what I had.
Noodles, broccoli, and costco lamb with pearl onions and apricots.

The costco lamb stuff was pretty good.  It was sweet and savory with some onions and apricots.  The lamb was very tender and soft.

Krispy Kreme
Someone bought krispy kreme.  I could not resist as my to go late night snack.  Sadly despite all this eating.  I still weigh the same.  I will try to up my food intake even more some how.

I don't think I can finish ffxii before Kitty Poo comes back.  Busy busy with all these activities.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 22

Man this morning, I woke up on the couch.  I passed out watching anime and was too lazy to get up and go to the bed.  Besides that, I got up and made me lunch/breakfast at around 10 am.

Canned Fish

Canned Fish

How it looks like


Final Product

It follows my usual formula of noodles, a whole lot of veggies, and some protein source.  It was tasty enough.  

I went to the gym afterwards, but I couldn't run.  I was still quite full from my lunch and didn't want to get any heartburn.  I could already feel it coming while I was walking.  

Work was a bit slower than usual today, so that was nice.  Very relaxing and managed to finished alot of e-kits that needed to be fixed.

Got off work on time and came home to relax.  Ate some more mandarins and now I'm snacking on my wasabi snacks!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 21

Another early day.  I stayed up late the night before to finish an application for a job opening.  I ended up only getting about 5 hours of sleep and boy was I tired this morning.  Today was not too busy.  I could finish most of my tasks and then it was lunch time.

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch, but its the same as yesterday's barbacoa, broccoli, and noodles.  Yum Yum.

After work, I went to the gym and ran for 30 minutes straight.  I have not done that in a while haha.  I got really sweaty and tired.  I didn't want to tire myself out too much though since I was going to do archery afterwards.

At archery, I did pretty well.  I did better than last time's horribleness.  Key is not too have tired arms.

I got back home at around 8:45 pm and ate dinner.

It consisted of broccoli, the rest of the rockfish, and noodles.  Tasted okay, but I don't really like this fish or costco just had a bad batch.  It has an off ammonia like taste to them.  Owell, I'm done with them.

I had some peaches for dinner and probably will snack on some ice cream afterwards.

I plan to play for ffxiii and won't sleep until late.  I do not have work until 1pm, but I do plan to wake up at like 9 am to eat and then go to the gym.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 20

Woke up early for an early day shift.  It was not so bad this morning.  Steady amount of work, but not too crazy.  Did not run into any issues that forced me to make a tough decision, so that was a win in itself.  Before I knew it, my lunch came around and then it was time to leave.


My lunch consisted of my usual noodles, barbacoa from costco, and broccoli.  It tasted alright, which is how I feel about all my "masterpieces".  Quick and easy is all that matters most of the time.  I did not drink milk today and did not diarrhea.  I guess maybe I am losing my tolerance, which does make me a bit sad.

After work, I went to the gym and was trying to decide whether I should go to buffalo wild wings and a movie after.  I ended up going to both because by the time the wings were ready it was less than an hour until my movie, so I just ate the wings in my car.

My car previously smelled like fish, but now it smells like garlicky chicken wings.  Yum.

Buffalo Wild Wings

Parmesan Garlic, Asian Zing, Spicy Garlic, Celery/Carrots

I ordered parmesan garlic, asian zing, spicy garlic, and celery and carrots.  I thought the classic parmesan garlic and asian zing were the best ones.  Spicy garlic was ok, but it did get a bit spicy near the end after eating so many of them.

I watched Mad Max.  I will give it like a 6.5/10.  It had nice action, explosions, and cool effects.  I don't know if its just me or the actor's British accents, but a lot of times I was wondering what they were saying.  It didn't help that most of the time the characters were screaming war cries, which I obviously could not understand even if it was in English.  The plot was very simple, which was good and bad.  Good in that it was easy to follow, but bad because it was too easy.  I wanted some sort of mystery then reveal formula of movie making.  The plot was basically just for the main characters to survive and not get killed by the "warlords" that were chasing them.  Throughout the whole movie I couldn't help but feel like Mad Max is Waterworld, but with dirt.  So... DIRTWORLD.  Instead of trying to find land, like in water world, they were trying to find places with clean water and green vegetation.  Instead of armored jet skis and boats the gangs had armored trucks and cars.  Overall, it was a fun movie, but I left feeling like something was missing.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 19

Today was a lazy stay at home, browse internet, and play video games kind of day.  In other words, the best kind of days.
I woke up early and started internet browsing.  I had a doctors appointment later on that I went to.  I finally joined Kaiser and today was my first meeting with my doctor.
Free Tote For Joining Kaiser
My doctor seemed nice enough and I just did the general physical checkup for the year.  Then I left with some time to spare on the meter.  Supposedly there is a patient parking lot, but I don't know where it is.  Owell, metered parking was cheap like $1.50 an hour or something.

I got home and began my be laz session.  Pants came off and it was time for lunch!

HK lounge left overs

I ate dimsum with my parents last Tuesday and I decided to eat the leftovers today for lunch with a cup of milk.  Milk still makes me feel a bit gassy, but I think I am gaining my tolerance again.

Next, I just messed around on the internet for a couple hours and played FFXIII.

Broccoli and Fishy Fish

Return of my noodles

I made more noodles for the week and broccoli also.  For dinner I had fish, noodles, and broccoli, a balanced and healthy meal.  I also cut myself two peaches!

I plan to sleep at like midnight tonight because I have to wake up early for work tomorrow morning.  I am opening, but that means I get to get off early!  Probably hit the gym, buffalo wild wings, and watch a movie!

Ducky Solo Day 18

Woke up early and had time to talk with Kitty over skype.  Ended up talking for a long time and by the time I got ready, it was time for work.  Work was ok, not too busy, but a steady flow.  I had enough time to do a lot of the miscellaneous things that I did not have time to do during the week.  


Dinner Yum

I also had some peaches.  I ended the night with some watching of Aldnaoh Zero and playing ffxiii.  Boy am I tired.  I cannot wait for my day off tomorrow, but I also have a Dr's Appointment.  Owell, better than working!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 16-17

Day 16

I woke up and cooked some smelly smelly fishy fish.  It made my shirt smell and the kitchen smell and everything smelled.

Fried Rockfish

Avocado Oil, Pepper, Lemon Seasons
 The fish tasted decently tasty.  Slightly lemony and salty.  It went well with my bland noodles.

I forgot to take the shirt off when I was cooking and when I went to work later that day, my co-worker asked what smelled like fish.  I then went to change into my gym clothes...

I ate my fishy lunch at work and people came into the breakroom to ask what that smell was...

Friend came over to chit chat and hang out later at night.  I wanted to play games and stuff, but I guess it was ok.

Day 17

Went to gym with friend this morning and showed him the wonders of Planet Fitness.  We worked out for a bit then I headed to work.
Fishy Lunch

Onion Pancake w/ Barbacoa and Broccoli

Since I stunk up the place yesterday, I went to eat my lunch in my car today.  I got home after a long day and am now eating my fusion dinner.

I plan to watch anime and play some more FFXIII.  If possible.  Fun Fun.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 15

I woke up late today.  Felt pretty lazy in the morning and just 9gagged for like an hour.

Friend wanted to grab lunch, so I was deciding whether I should be lazy and not go to the gym.

I was strong and decided to at least go to the gym for a quick workout before lunch.

Build Your Own Pizza
 We went to Blaze in Fremont.  It is a fast casual style restaurant much like Chipotle.  You choose your pizza dough, sauce, and as much of whatever toppings they have.  I like that they have a good selection of meats and cheese to choose from.  My pizza came out pretty good.  I had red sauce, shredded mozzarella, ovalini mozzarella, italian sausage, bacon, mushrooms, olives, and cilantro.  Yum!

I went to work like an hour early.  Like a dummy, I forgot I switched with someone so that I had their later shift.  It was super busy today, so much to do and it felt like we were losing the battle half the day. I was super thirsty today.  I forgot to buy water while at pizza place and I did not bring water with me to work.  Tough, but I got through it.

Post Work Snack

Finally got home and had a light snack of peaches and milk.  So healthy!  Now time to think about what I want to do.  I'll probably just watch a bit of anime, sleep, wake up, gym, work, rinse and repeat!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ducky Solo Day 14

Did laundry today but was still trying to get over my summer flu :(.

Washing Blankets

Went to costco too.  Man was it crowded.  I got gas and enough food for like 2 weeks.  My goal is to try to eat more than my usual amount.  Got a big packet of rockfish and a box of premade lamb, broccoli, mandarins, and frozen veggies.  Yum Yum.
Costco Bounty
 Finally beat this tough ass boss in FFXIII: Lightning Returns.  I can sleep easy tonight. Huhu.



For lunch tomorrow, I am making the rest of this old beltfish, veggies, and my noodles. See you tomorrow.  I plan to hit the gym in the morning.  Since I have a lock now, I can change at the gym instead of in my car!!!!!!

I hope I don't stink too much.