Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 21

Short post is short kitty poo.

Worked at home today.

Working at home was pretty great except for the booboo that I did.

I ate lunch of more leftover stuff with rice.  Did not take a picture of it.  Tomorrow will be last of the leftovers.  But since I'm going home I just know my dad will give me more stuff, so it will resume.

I had to do an errand and also bought some milk tea.

Dinner I just microwaved some frozen pork tamales with some avocados

Tamales and Avocado

Tasted ok, but the tamales were pretty dry haha.

Time to pack stuff for the mini trip 2m.  SInce I am hiking also, going to pack some snacks for that part.

Time to play some more Fire Emblem.  1 more week and kitty poo will come back.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 20

Woke up groggy like usual.  Woke up earlier than my alarm.  Got sweaty in the middle of the night.

Ate some walnut cookies as breakfast.

Made a booboo this morning when I was filling my tea.  I forgot to put the mouth piece into the cap and spilled the tea everywhere in my bag.  I put my lunch in my gym tote instead.

Got to work.  More busy that yesterday.  Only 2 more days of work and tomorrow I get to work from home. YAY!

I didn't take a picture of my lunch, but it was just rice, broccoli, and the meat and potatoes thing my dad made.  Almost done with it.

I had some bad burpy gas the rest of the day.

I went to the gym despite my gassiness and felt ok.

Got home and made my usual leftover dinner:

Avocado Egg Dinner

Fried 2 eggs, ate some spinach and mushroom stirfry left overs, half an avocado, and some rice.

Mango Banana Smoothie

For dessert, I resumed my smoothie making.  This time was the last of my bananas and some mangoes.  The bananas were black from being in the fridge.  Good thing it was the last one.

Will have to change my Tahoe plans for this weekend.  Someone isn't going and the people that are going want an easier hike.  Probably kayak since jetskis are so expensive.

Going to play more Fire Emblem.  My goal is to beat this before KittyPoo comes home!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 18 and 19

Day 18

July 4th.  Did nothing but relaxing ducky day.

Left over Whopper

Smoothie Shake

Berry and banana smoothies.  Tasted ok.


Avocado with spinach and portobello mushroom omelette served with a side of rice.  Tasted ok.  I didn't add too much seasoning.  I would make again.

Pretty much spent the whole day playing Fire Emblem.  Finally got passed that cursed level 23! ONWARDS.

Heard lots of fireworks over head.  Did not go to see any.  Owell.

Day 19

First day back to work after a long weekend is always the hardest.  Today, not many calls and Costco delivery.  See below:

Costco Loot 1

Costco Loot 2

Costco Loot 3


Had to do house business work.  Drove like 1.5 hours to get there and 0.5 hours to get home.  BOO TRAFFIC.

Going to finish this and drink some soup, play fire emblem, and go to  BED.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 16 and 17

Day 16. Kind of a lazy day.  Woke up and just did some chores and threw away some garbage.

Made some lunch while I waited to be picked up to go on a mini short road trip.

Expired Package


Still tasted OK
Although the flavor package was expired, the pasta still tasted OK!

First stop, was some outlet malls.  Friend bought some items, but I didn't feel like buying anything.
All 3 of us were getting hungry, so decided to eat a somewhat early dinner at around 5 or 6 PM.
Seemed like this Thai restaurant was the best choice in the area.

Mango Nata Soda Thing

Deep Fried Duck with Broccoli and Cabbage

The deep fried duck was tasty.  It had some tamarind sauce and was served with cabbage and broccoli.  However, I think the deep frying made the duck a little dry and difficult to chew.  The skin was nice and crispy though.  

2 Hours of Bowling

Fancy Screen

After dinner, we went to bowl for about 2 hours.  Man that was a tiring experience and got me kind of sweaty.  My average seems to be around 120s now.  My friend got up to 161.

Shared Bed

The Mariott hotel had a goof.  For some reason, even though we booked for King bed + sofa bed.  All they had remaining was a room with just a King bed.  We complained and they got us an additional room free of charge with another King bed.  They didn't offer it up right, we had to ask.

Later, we went to a near by casino.  I guess they make slot machines for everything now.  Game of Thrones themed slot machine.

Game of Thrones

My friend lost maybe $1,200 that night on blackjack.  We went back to the hotel around 3:00 AM.

Woke up on Day 17 at around 9:30 AM.  We tried to prank our other friend by calling his room from our hotel room.  We said his car was being told. Haha.  He fell for it at first, but eventually figured it out.

Decided to get some sushi buffet at around 11:00 AM.  It was just very mediocre.  Me and my friend liked these deep fried lobster balls more than anything else there.

Definitely have been spoiled with fresher fish and sashimi at better sushi restaurants and Japan.  Even my friend who only ate at mid tier sushi restaurants thought the sushi buffet sashimi tasted old and like frozen fish.

It is good for the value, but the quality was not there.  Even the tempura shirmp was just very mediocre.  Mostly only the hot foods like deep fried oysters, bananas, lobster balls, were acceptable.

Sushi Buffet

In the rental car, I noticed the handles still had the plastic wrap on them.  I decided to remove the plastic wrap and be the first person after market to touch the exposed handles.  DEVIRGINIZED HUHUHU.



FIRST to touch that uncovered handle.  DONE.

For dinner, since I was thinking about that Burger King Mac n Cheetos thing I heard about.  I decided to get it.  I wanted to get some for the road trip, but didn't have time.

Mac n Cheetos and 2 Whoppers

Duck is interested
Notice how the duck has the same color scheme as the wrappers.

Not In n' Out

I have not had a whopper in so long.  It tastes ok, but definitely not an In n out burger.  No, I did not eat the two whoppers.  I ate one and placed the other in the fridge for tomorrow.

The mac n cheetos just tasted like mac and cheese covered in crunchy Cheetos crust.  It tasted palatable, but not particularly special.  I do not foresee myself craving these at a later date.  On a side note, Burger King sells grilled hot dogs now.  I probably should have used that coupon instead, so I could try both the hot dog and the Cheetos.  This was the first time I have used a Burger King coupon in so long.

Going to do some more business, but I want to play Fire Emblem.  Adult life gets in the way of my fun some times.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 15

Friday friday.

Another day of calm before the store day.  Morning was easy, slow, and very tolerable.

WHY 3:45 PM difficult caller.  WHY.  Man that just backed everything up.  

I forgot to get some tickets for an event, so I'm sad about that.

Archery was closed for the weekend.  Drove down for nothing.

And the red light, was stuck at a red for so long I just found an alternate route. GG.


Lunch was left over veggie stir fry from my dad with some added broccoli I boiled


Broccoli and potato beef dish with some rice was my dinner.

Banana Smoothie

I made a spinach and banana heavy smoothie today.  Man the bananas are starting to taste funny even though I left them in the fridge.

Finished work.

Now I am looking up things to do tomorrow with my friends.  We are going on an impromptu car ride with free hotel stay.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 14

Another relatively nice work from home day.  It started off so good and amazing.  THEN BAM 10 am came and non stop busy work until lunch.

Breakfast Smoothie?

Since I was working from home, I thought I would have the smoothie as a breakfast today.  It kept me feeling pretty full, but by around noon I got some what hungry.

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch, but it consisted of some of the stir fry veggies and meat my dad gave me previously.  I ate it with some rice.  Before I knew it, my lunch was over.  It seems whenever I work from home, my lunches feel so short.

After I was done for the day, I did my usual Disneyworld check for the Candlelight processional stuff.  Don't know who the narrator is on 12/11, but I booked reservation for that date for the dining package.  I had some difficulty booking it at first because of slowness on the website.  Since today was the first day the dining package was released, I bet a lot of people were trying to book reservations.  I eventually got it through and received my confirmation e-mail.

Avocado Salad

Beef and Potatoes

For dinner, I ate the rest of the salad with half an avocado.  I was a bit weary of the salad since I forgot to drain the water.  It was staying very moist for many days.  I hope I don't get sick pooo.  I finished all of the salad from the Costco bag.  

Beef and potatoes were from my dad.  I ate it with some rice.

Last of the Apricots

No smoothie at dinner time since I had it for breakfast.  I had some apricots instead.

Maybe play some Fire Emblem later tonight.  Will look into some house stuff first.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 13

Woke up and went to work.

I ate cereal for breakfast like usual.  I was a bit sleepy but I got to work alright.

I got so gassy throughout the day.  NON STOP FARTING!!! Good bye work chair and my pants.

I eventually had a bowel movement, which helped decrease some of the gas I was having.

But it really did not end.  I blame the milk.  It had best by date of 27-Jun-2016 and it started to have a weird smell.  My cereal did tasted a bit weird this morning.

Not super busy, but definitely a call heavy day today.

One of my coworkers was about to go on maternity leave, so we had some cake.

Lunch and Cake

After work, I went to fill up on gas and have my car cleaned at the machine car wash.  I think I might just do hand wash from now on even if it costs more.  My car's antenna can't really be retracted, so those spinning brushes whacks the antenna like crazy.

Hydration Pack
Hydration Pack

My Amazon order came.  I ordered a chest mount harness for GoPro and a Hydration Pack.  Preparing for the hiking and kayaking trip to Tahoe on the July 9th weekend.


I just ate salad with avocado for dinner.  I felt bloated and was drinking my smoothie before hand.  


No milk, so I tried substituting with just water.  It just doesn't taste as good.  I can taste the protein powder more than before.  I guess time to buy milk some time this weekend!

Yay tomorrow I work from home.

I have to work on house stuff and arrange for carpet cleaners this week.

Time to work on some of the lease then play Fire Emblem Yay!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 12

Work was busy but not too bad.

It wasn't too busy, but I made some mistakes here and there.  I was trying to fix them the rest of the day.

Not too many calls but in between the calls and fixing my mistake it took the whole day. GG.

I didn't actually leave the office until about an hour after work was over.

I went to the gym a bit and man there was bad traffic along the way.

I came home and did some house business stuff.

Leftover Tofu and Noodles
Salad and Avocado
 Watched Knights of Sidonia and ate my dinner.  The series is pretty good and I guess I will finish it.  I bet kitty won't like it though.  There is a lot of lost in space type situations.

More Shakes
Resumed may shake drinking.  Today it was a peach, half a banana, spinach, yogurt, and a cup of milk.  I added more milk and it was kind of more liquidy than before.

Plan to Fire Emblem up a bit later on in the evening.  Man today was tiring I hope I don't wake up so much tonight.  Last night it was too hot and sweaty.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 10 & 11

Day 10
Third day at home. Nothing happened.  Just woke up, ate breakfast, ate lunch, and played fire emblem.

While driving home, was minutes behind an accident.  Good thing I saw those digital traffic signs that said ACCIDENT AHEAD. LEFT LANES BLOCKED.  I stayed on the right side and zoomed pass the traffic.  The accident involved maybe 6 cars.  A bus was stuck behind them needing to exit at that exit.  GG bus driver and passengers.

Day 11
It started slow, but picked up bad.  It was nonstop.  I realized one of my team members was out today and that caused me to get more calls than usual.  Besides that handled some tough cases, but otherwise okay.  I forgot to take a picture of my lunch, but it just consisted of the rest of the banquet dinner leftovers and some of my broccoli seitan mix with rice and a banana as a side snack.

I went to the gym after work.  I forgot how to get there from my work, but good thing I had the GPS.  I felt a little sore, but not as bad as the first day back at the gym.  

I got home feeling tired then got more house business talk to go over with my mom.  Answered texts from prospective tenants and talked to my parents more about business stuff.


Avocado and Salad

Dinner was some stir fried egg with chashu my dad made with some leftover duck from the banquet over rice.  I only had about a quarter cup of rice with my protein.  I was originally going to make a shake, but I didn't.  I felt too full and wanted to work on the salad I bought.  Some of the salad was starting to brown, so time to eat lots of salad the next couple days.  I added avocado today because my avocado was also going bad.  First world problem of parents giving you too much food so the food you bought begins to go to waste...


Cut up some apricots for fruit that I bought like a week ago.  Tastes pretty good, just ignore that I was too lazy to wash my bowl first.

Started to watch Knights of Sidonia on Netflix with my dinner.  Pretty interesting show.

GIANT SPIDER IN ROOM.  I am not going to sleep well tonight.  I lost it.  I was going to vacuum it, but it crawled up and into a gap somewhere on the frame around the closet doors.

Showered and finally able to play Fire Emblem.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 9 & 10

I forgot to do a post yesterday, so today will be a double.

I didn't take any pics so, it might be a short one.

Day 9:

I went to work.  It was an uneventful day, so it was very nice.

No difficult situations that I couldn't handle.

Bad luck incident happened to a coworker though.  She was sitting on a chair in our break room and the chair broke.  She was of medium build and not overweight at all.

Got me wondering how many of the other chairs were waiting to break.

I ate more of my seitan broccoli mixture with some scrambled egg and avocado.

Right after work, I drove back to SF since my father came back from his 2 month trip to China.

We ate dinner which was very simple with some side dishes including shrimp, some veggies, a fish, and a meat and tofu meatloaf thing.

Day 10:

Woke up early around 9 AM.  Thought my mother wanted to go to dim sum early, but she didn't wake up until around 10 AM.

I spent the morning looking up like camelbak like water reservoirs.  Plan to go hiking or something with friends on July 9th or so in Tahoe again.

Went to dim sum at a place I have never been.  Food was decent.  It was kind of weird though as over 60% of the server waitresses were mandarin speakers instead of Cantonese.  They would describe the dishes in English.  I think it was a restaurant tailored largely to Americans.  The food tasted pretty good though.  However, it didn't have any special signature dishes or items like other places do.

Playing more Fire Emblem today was good.  I got my kid army up and running weee.
Got to Chapter 21.  Hope to get to Chapt 22 by tonight.

I had lots of crab for dinner.  Yay.  I think I hate one whole crab's worth of meat, but I didn't eat the crab "butter".

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 8

Yay working at home is always nice.

Today was not too busy and I didn't even have to put on pants fun fun.

I was going to play Fire Emblem, but a call came in.

Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of my lunch. I just ate some left overs from the business over rice.  Nothing fancy.

During lunch time I prepped some stuff for dinner:

Tofu and Mushrooms

I went to the gym after skyping with kitty for a bit.  Man I still feel sore from the weekend, but I powered through some.  I got on a squeaky elliptical, but was too lazy to get off and find another one.

Sukiyaki base with tofu, mushrooms, and shiritaki noodles
Dinner is ready

From the bag of Salad

Peach smoothies


All smoothies look like barf if you leave it out too long

I finished watched Captain America Winter Soldier.  It was an entertaining action movie.  I do have to wonder what they are going to do in Avengers and Captain America 3 after all this stuff happened in the 2nd movie.  I guess I have to download those next.

Going to pack for SF because I will be staying at my parents for the weekend.  Dad is finally back from his trip to China.