Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ducky Solo 2016 - Day 20

Woke up groggy like usual.  Woke up earlier than my alarm.  Got sweaty in the middle of the night.

Ate some walnut cookies as breakfast.

Made a booboo this morning when I was filling my tea.  I forgot to put the mouth piece into the cap and spilled the tea everywhere in my bag.  I put my lunch in my gym tote instead.

Got to work.  More busy that yesterday.  Only 2 more days of work and tomorrow I get to work from home. YAY!

I didn't take a picture of my lunch, but it was just rice, broccoli, and the meat and potatoes thing my dad made.  Almost done with it.

I had some bad burpy gas the rest of the day.

I went to the gym despite my gassiness and felt ok.

Got home and made my usual leftover dinner:

Avocado Egg Dinner

Fried 2 eggs, ate some spinach and mushroom stirfry left overs, half an avocado, and some rice.

Mango Banana Smoothie

For dessert, I resumed my smoothie making.  This time was the last of my bananas and some mangoes.  The bananas were black from being in the fridge.  Good thing it was the last one.

Will have to change my Tahoe plans for this weekend.  Someone isn't going and the people that are going want an easier hike.  Probably kayak since jetskis are so expensive.

Going to play more Fire Emblem.  My goal is to beat this before KittyPoo comes home!

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